Active Chapter News – November

Zeta Phi Update

Zeta Phi completed a highly successful rush and pledge period with the initiation of 12 new Brothers on October 19th.  We have been very busy this semester and recently completed 400 community service hours for the New Mexico State University and the Las Cruces Community.  Zeta Phi will also be hosting its annual SigGlow to raise money for the Huntsman Cancer Institute on November 6th.  If you would like further information on this event or would like to donate to this worthy cause, please contact me.

~ Mario Martinez, Zeta Phi Consul 

(I will be happy to put you in touch with Mario. Just contact me at and I will privately provide his contact information.  Will )

Beta Xi update

The Beta Xi Chapter initiated 19 new Brothers on October 19th, including one legacy.  There was strong Alumni support as 12 -15 Alumni also attended the initiation ceremony.  Thank you Alumni!  Elections for the spring semester will be taking place in November.

~Aiden Griffin, Alumni Relations