Special Thanks

Larry German honored by Paul Garson of the NM Sigma Chi Alumni Association
Brother Larry German receives a Grand Consul Citation from
Brother Paul Garson

Noun. (Plural unsung heroes) One who does great deeds but receives little or no recognition for them.
This can be said for many Sigma Chis who are alumni volunteers. There are many thousands across our great Fraternity. From Will Campbell to Lee Morgan to the Executive Committee.
We are lucky to have one right here who deserves praise and thanks beyond measure.
This gentleman has maintained and nurtured our Alumni Chapter for decades, allowing us to experience our alumni phase of brotherhood and enhance our commitment to our order. Debbie Morris (former and longtime Director of Student Affairs) once told me that ‘you guys are more active and involved than all of the other fraternity alumni combined at UNM’. She stated one time that no other group could draw 250 at a celebration such as our Centennial Weekend Celebration. This one brother kept it all together during the bad and good times.
When we lost the Beta Xi chapter charter the Alumni Chapter still functioned and flourished with luncheons and special events such as Founder’s Day and the Summer Roundup Parties. We had speakers and newsletters… 100s of newsletters with 1000s of hours of time devoted to that process.
When I needed help with the rechartering I could rely on this man for behind the scenes help. In fact, he tells me regularly “I’ll be your errand boy. Tell me what you need”.
This brother truly defines what it means to be a brother in service in Sigma Chi. Therefore, we recognize today with a Grand Consul Citation signed by Grand Consul Steven Schuyler and Executive Director Michael Church …Brother Larry German.