The Sigma Chi Active Chapter at UNM is Alive and Well

The Chapter continues to be a leadership, values-based development organization of college men. Promoting friendship, justice and learning. Remember the words of Brother John Wayne, “Men join fraternities. Leaders of men join Sigma Chi.”

There are 42 actives as of Feb 2019. The Alumni Chapter continues to have dues paying members. The greatest challenge is updating the contact list. Monthly lunches are still held along with several other social events. The House corporation has met once a month for the past two years. They are working on plans, raising some capital and managing the property concerns at 1855 Sigma  Chi Rd. Significant progress has been carried out based on the limited funds available. (See photo’s in the History tab.) There is still a lot to be done. Alumni play the vital part for the future successes. It’s vital to help make our undergraduate Brother’s experience better than the one we had.