We Invite All Sigma Chi Brothers with a New Mexico Connection to Join Us Now

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Strengthening Sigma Chi Brotherhood Across Generations

Our alumni chapter works to strengthen the bonds of all Sigma Chi's with a New Mexico connection. If you attended school in New Mexico, attended elsewhere but live in NM or are a brother living outside of the state who wants to stay connected to our local chapters, you are welcome. We have a long legacy of strong leadership and a large group of loyal alumni members. We meet monthly and plan fun and meaningful events throughout the year to benefit all Sigs.

Sigma Chi strives to promote friendship, justice, and learning as the exemplification of our brotherhood. This inspires a lifelong commitment which is the goal of the New Mexico Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter. If you are a Sig who is interested in community involvement, undergraduate involvement, philanthropic service, personal/ professional development or social interaction we invite you to join with us today! Reconnect by receiving the free NM Sig EXtra Newsletter!

Under the Big Top – 09/2019

Brothers, First and foremost, I would like to thank all the brothers who attended the monthly luncheon last month. We had about a dozen alumni as well as five active Beta Xi brothers. There was a variety of interesting and informative fraternity updates from both our active and alumni attendees. School is officially back and session so I thought it only fitting that this month’s newsletter center on our two active New Mexico chapters of Sigma Chi – Beta Xi in Albuquerque and Zeta Phi in Las Cruces. Inside you will find bio’s from the current Consul’s as well as other active chapter updates. Our current Alumni Chapter Treasurer, Adam Thompson, was key in helping re-charter Zeta Phi in 2008. Due in large part to his efforts, Zeta Phi is thriving again today. Similarly, Beta Xi is eleven years post its own re-charter. I don’t think either would have happened had it not been for our strong Sigma Chi Alumni base here in New Mexico. Hopefully next year at this time we will also have updates from Zeta Sigma in Portales. Efforts are underway for their re-colonization. Lastly, we still need your help when it comes to the SigExtra. If you have an article you would like to have published, please submit it. If there is something you think would be of interest to our Alumni, we are always open to suggestions. We are here to serve you, the Sigma Chi Alumni of New Mexico. —In Hoc, Will

Steak and Cigar Rush Event – Thurs., Aug 29, 2019

Sigma Chi Norman ShieldIf you reside in the greater Albuquerque area, please come by the Beta Xi house this Thursday night, August 29th, at 6 PM for Steak and Cigar night. This is a fall rush event for Beta Xi. Please stop by and show potential new brothers what the life long commitment of Sigma Chi means. Alumni presence makes a huge impact on rushee’s at this critical time.

In Hoc, Will

Fall Recruitment 2019

Sigma Chi Norman ShieldJune 2019 – Do you know of any young men who just graduated that you think are worthy of looking at what Sigma Chi has to offer? We are looking for referrals so that we may contact them and start getting to know them. Please send their contact info to Jackson Wawrzynski 1-469-525-5853 with any leads.

The Chapter is aiming at 20 to 25 pledges.

Alumni interest and assistance is deeply valued by the Chapter.

Just a final note: With the turmoil going on in the Greek community about pledge training programs and potential hazing, Universities through out North America are taking a hard stand on Greeks that do things they should not. Times have changed. We must embrace that and continue to be leaders. Sigma Chi is taking a proactive, leadership role. Sigma Chi had rolled out an improved 5 week Pledge Program. We were able to review the program at Balfour Leadership Training Workshop recently held in Bowling Green. The program does not remove anything, just reorganizes how I-week is conducted. If you would like to know more information about the program, please call Steve Kotz at 505-400-6939 or Lee Morgan at 505-980-2499.

For those Alumni who would like to be a mentor to an Active contact the Chapter Consul – Tenzin Dorjee – 505-920-5637

With the recent renovations to the house which include dorm hall carpet, living room carpet, resurface to the dining room floor, new tile around the fireplace, new exterior doors and windows, exterior stucco and general clean-up, the Chapter is looking forward to a strong recruitment program. We will keep you posted. This is the life blood of the future for Sigma Chi at UNM. We must all remember that Sigma Chi is a life long journey. Once a Sig, always a Sig.

Images from the 2019 Summer Safari and 82nd Grand Chapter

Michael Pierce Selected as the Province Balfour Award Recipient

May 16th, 2019 – Michael Pierce graduated in Spring of 2019. He was selected by the Chapter as the Chapter Balfour award recipient. At the SW Province workshop in February, he was selected as the Province Balfour award recipient. Each Provence winner can then submit an application for the International Balfour award. Michael was selected as one of the 4 finalist. The first week in August he will be attending the newly renamed Balfour workshop. Now the Krach Transformational Leadership Workshop. Michael will be interviewed by 4 grand officers who will select the next International Balfour recipient. Best wishes to Michael.

As you may recall, Adrian Avilla from Beta Xi was the International Balfour award recipient in 2014

Vision for the Future


  • What should our vision be for our Fraternity house in 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 years from now?
  • What should our vision be for our current Brothers 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now?
  • What should our vision be for our future Brothers 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now?
  • What planning do we need to do NOW to put the vision into operation?
  • What specific action is needed?

The Sigma Chi Active Chapter at UNM is Alive and Well

The Chapter continues to be a leadership, values-based development organization of college men. Promoting friendship, justice and learning. Remember the words of Brother John Wayne, “Men join fraternities. Leaders of men join Sigma Chi.”

There are 42 actives as of Feb 2019. The Alumni Chapter continues to have dues paying members. The greatest challenge is updating the contact list. Monthly lunches are still held along with several other social events. The House corporation has met once a month for the past two years. They are working on plans, raising some capital and managing the property concerns at 1855 Sigma  Chi Rd. Significant progress has been carried out based on the limited funds available. (See photo’s in the History tab.) There is still a lot to be done. Alumni play the vital part for the future successes. It’s vital to help make our undergraduate Brother’s experience better than the one we had.

Your Feedback is Vital

Agree or Disagree: It is our duty to look forward NOW as our early alumni did for us in the mid 1920’s. Your feedback and participation is vital. Let’s make solid, transformational decisions by the end of April 2019. Let’s create action and increased value! Let’s make a difference to our current and future Active Chapter Brothers! Let’s continue to make a unique, valued, Life changing difference in their future.

Let us hear from you as to how you can help. Here are a few suggestions to raise capital:

  • Alumni can remember the chapter in their estate.
  • Get involved in an annual giving program.
  • Supply a lump sum gift
  • Consider donating required 401K withdrawals

Will Campbell New Alumni Chapter President

Our current Alumni Chapter President Will Campbell took over the reigns in January 2019. The Alumni Chapter under the direction of Bernie Butterfield made valuable gains in 2018. Our Alumni association is fortunate to have Alumni come forward to build and guide the Chapter.  Bill Bell, now 91, served tirelessly as the secretary/treasurer of the Association.  He got the by-laws revised and in order. The Alumni Chapter is 501(c)7 compliant.  Bill and his daughter made invaluable gains in updating the alumni mailing list. Larry German as always did and outstanding job with the news that is published in the Sig Extra. He also folded and stamped all the newsletters that got mailed.  We need more Brothers like this to step up to the plate, giving back to the Fraternity family that has provided so many valuable life lessons and friendships.
We thank both of them for their contribution. They both will complete the term ending in December when new elections will be made.  Serving on the Alumni Board are Paul Garson, Duwayne Ordones, Wally Payne and Bernie Butterfield as Past President.  There are openings for two more at large members.